
flickr licious

this has to be one of my favorite flickr photos posted by marcbuilder. His subtitle reads:

the decay of the US Dollar as we know it. the decay of the US Economy. the decay of the US . . .


  1. I've taken my fair share of photos in my day. I must say this is a very nice image with a captivating caption. Is it my favorite image on flickr . . . ok, yes it's my favorite too.

  2. What are your thoughts on automotive design? I'd like to get your ideas on how I can incorporate some automotive designs into my bathroom. I particularly like the BMW Z4 M edition. I also like Aston Martins of all styles. Anyway, great blog. Give us your thoughts.

  3. thanks i hummoru. Hope you mean it and aren't "hummor"-ing me. ; )

  4. There are lots of hidden symbols and meanings in our US dollar. So, to take a photo that in itself has subtle hidden meanings makes this image special to me. So yes, I was being seriouslicious
